8 values of Free Expression // Key Post

   Balancing free expression with unrepresented students' sense of belonging  (opinion)

 In class there was a discussion of the 8 values of free expression. These speech theories include the marketplace of free ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self-fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation and lastly protect dissent. From my understanding, all of these values are how we understand and utilize our right to free speech or the first amendment. 

    The question of which one resonates the most with me is "promote innovation." Promoting innovation is "a community in which free speech is values and protected is like to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways." I personally resonate with this value of free expression because I really agree with constantly growing and evolving as a person, and as a society. If you are not growing and learning new things, nothing is ever going to improve! If we live in a society where free speech is valued and protected, the people living in that society will continue to prosper and grow leading to a more effective country and world if this idea is promoted.

    There are a few ways that I connected this idea of promoting innovation in free speech to myself. To start, my major is Strategic Communication where the ideas of advertising, public relations and social media are all very important. Especially social media, these ideas are constantly changing and evolving in ways that help consumers acheive goals and get the best possible media coverage. The idea of free speech is very important to communications in terms of press and what can or can not be reported. Freedom of press is crucial to our country in more ways than just one. if we didn't have freedom of the press, I would not be a strategic communications major. My goal is to create social media content for a public relations firm but if I am restricted as to what I can and cannot post through the government, that would be mentally and physically draining. 

    Promoting innovation is also something that is easily relatable to current problems in the world. The current events of the Black Lives Matter is easily relatable to this value because BLM is advocating for change throughout communities and ending the idea of racism. After the death of George Floyd, people started protesting to end police brutality. Without the first amendment people wouldn't be able to protest let alone have the value of innovation. Protestors wouldn't have the energy nor the creative spirit to hold these protests or even promote the idea of change. 

Mapping Black Lives Matter Protests Around The World | Here & Now

    In conclusion, the 8 values of free expression are all important when looking at the first amendment. Personally, the value of promoting innovation is most important to me in terms of what I want to do in my future of social media and communications. If everybody looks at this idea more often, and keeps it in mind, the world will be more successful and our ideas will grow. Due to recent events, this idea has become more popular which makes me realize that we take for granted our free speech sometimes. 


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